Dr. Davis primarily works with private groups for training and consulting, but this page highlights public opportunities where you can hear her speak and teach
Dr. Davis primarily works with private groups for training and consulting, but this page highlights public opportunities where you can hear her speak and teach
Dr. Davis primarily works with private groups for training and consulting, but this page highlights public opportunities where you can hear her speak and teach
Seminars, workshops, publications, and conferences
where Dr. Davis is presenting:
February 21-22
Burnsville, MN
Dr. Davis is honored to join Amy Young's Global Trellis team for the 2025 MC2. She will lead two workshops and will join Amy Young and Jenilee Goodwin in the opening keynote session, addressing the following content:
Keynote Session - Five Principles of Holistic Care
Setting the stage for the conference theme, and introducing various aspects of holistic missionary care that will be explored in the conference workshops.
Workshop - Embracing the Whole Missionary: Fostering Trust and Authenticity
Missionaries often feel pressured to present only their "acceptable" selves, hiding struggles, doubts, and emotions. This workshop empowers supporters to embrace all aspects of a missionary's identity by fostering deep trust and authenticity. Learn strategies for communicating expectations and acceptance, earning lasting trust, and maintaining open dialogues. Discover approaches to ensure that missionaries feel safe disclosing their entire selves—including imperfections—and how to respond compassionately when unexpected facets arise. By cultivating a truly supportive relationship, we can enhance personal well-being and spiritual growth, ensuring our missionaries serve with genuine wholeness and resilience.
Workshop - Church-Based Care 101: Essentials of Church-Based Care Through the Stages of Missionary Life
Understanding the unique stages of missionaries' diverse needs is crucial for effective support. This workshop equips church-based caregivers with a strategic roadmap to address challenges over the lifespan: from initial transition, culture shock, language acquisition, to deepening ministry and relationships, spiritual dry spells, stages of family life, and planning an eventual return home. Discover the essential skills required for providing effective care, available training options for your support team, and learn to identify when a missionary's needs may exceed church-based capabilities, warranting professional help. Gain actionable insights to enhance your role in missions, ensuring missionaries are well-supported and effective throughout their journey.
February 28-March 2
Pigeon Forge, TN
Dr. Davis will lead four sessions on the conference theme of Growing Together, addressing topics of identity in Christ, our Christian freedom to love and forgive, prioritizing unity over opinions, and learning to use the Peace Pursuit resources of biblical conflict resolution.
October 7-10
Ridgecrest, Asheville, NC
Dr. Davis will present twice with a workshop titled Navigating Conflict and Facilitating Peace, addressing the following topics:
Conflict is an inherent part of communal life, yet our response to it can either undermine our entire ministry or affirm the gospel we proclaim (John 13:35). In this action-oriented workshop, we will orient around practical principles and help you apply biblical commands that transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity. You will come away with strategies for navigating disagreements, fostering forgiveness, and promoting a spirit of reconciliation among those serving on the field, and will be provided with materials to put these strategies into practice.
Seminars, workshops, publications, and conferences
where Dr. Davis presented:
December 18
Dr. Davis was honored to be a guest lecturer for Dr. Michael Copeland’s Globalization and Mission Strategy Intensive course, where she provided psychological and biblical perspectives on multicultural teaming conflict. She incorporated real-life examples of cross-cultural conflicts and invited the undergraduate and graduate students to examine their own presumptions about the nature of relational conflict, the points at which divisions between believers are biblically justified, and the freedom in Christ that allows Christians to walk in peace instead of taking up offenses.
November 21-24
Hurst, TX
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Graceful Reconciliation: Cultivating Humility in Missionary Conflict Resolution, addressing the following topics:
Effective, genuine conflict resolution requires a pivotal perspective shift that transforms conflicts from personalized battles into a deeper hope, identity, and peace anchored to Christ alone. Grounded in conflict psychology, this session offers practical interventions that foster humility, reframe moralized self-justifications, and guide missionaries in reconciling with God, themselves, and others, paving the way for healing, biblical restoration, and unity.
October 7-8 (Conference canceled due to Hurricane Helene)
Ridgecrest, Asheville, NC
Dr. Davis was scheduled to provide a workshop titled Navigating Conflict and Facilitating Peace, addressing the following topics:
Conflict is an inherent part of communal life, yet our response to it can either undermine our entire ministry or affirm the gospel we proclaim (John 13:35). In this action-oriented workshop, we will orient around practical principles and help you apply biblical commands that transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity. You will come away with strategies for navigating disagreements, fostering forgiveness, and promoting a spirit of reconciliation among those serving on the field, and will be provided with materials to put these strategies into practice.
September 28
Buena Park, CA
Dr. Davis led a full-day, interactive training on Peace Pursuit Essentials for Leaders for house church leaders and participants in the No Place Left network throughout the Los Angeles area.
August 23
Evicting the Squatters in Your Head
Dr. Davis was invited to contribute to a Global Trellis series on the theme of enlarging capacity. Global Trellis is a web-based ministry that provides resources, training, and guided spiritual retreats for global missionaries and vocational ministers.
June 9-12
Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Davis was an exhibitor throughout this conference, representing the resources and training services of Peace Pursuit International. Guests attending this large event were invited to visit the Peace Pursuit booth #1529 and pick up some free resources.
May 2
Ridgecrest, Asheville, NC
Dr. Davis led a workshop for the Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative titled Effective, Biblical Conflict Resolution: An Overview of Peace Pursuit, addressing the following issues:
Conflict is inherently prevalent within both communal and professional settings, requiring a response that not only addresses relational issues but also affirms our identity as followers of Christ (John 13:35). In this session, Dr. Davis will introduce the Peace Pursuit model, which organizes biblical principles into practical steps that transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity. Participants will learn essential strategies for navigating disagreements, fostering forgiveness, and establishing a culture of peacemaking. All participants will receive resources to help implement these strategies effectively in their respective contexts.
March 28
Knoxville, TN
Dr. Davis was honored to be the presenter for this special gathering of mission leaders, and provided practical answers to the following question: What do churches, specifically pastors and mission leaders, need to consider in the care and support of overseas workers at every stage?
February 8
In this engaging audio/video interview with Stephanie Gutierrez, Dr. Davis shared about her personal journey into cross-cultural ministry, psychology, and helping teams actively pursue peace. She helped uncover the myths and attitudes we unconsciously hold about conflict resolution that keep us miserable and without solutions. Learn about the Peace Pursuit model and find out steps we can take to begin the hard but rewarding work God calls us to of making peace.
January 3
In episode 110, host Carrie was joined by Dr. Janeen Davis, an expert in conflict psychology and biblical conflict resolution to discuss how to handle conflicts in a healthy way, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and grace in resolving relationship challenges. They discussed the essence of relational conflict and why conflict resolution seems so risky and causes such anxiety.
November 10
Dr. Davis was honored to be a guest lecturer for Dr. Michael Copeland’s Cross-Cultural Ethics course, where she provided psychological and biblical perspectives on cross-cultural conflict. She incorporated real-life examples of cross-cultural conflicts and invited the undergraduate and graduate students to examine their own presumptions about the nature of relational conflict, existing social expectations, and biased perceptions of forgivability.
September 28
Orlando, FL
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Preparing Today's Missionaries for Practical Peacemaking, addressing the following issues:
We know that conflict between committed, passionate global workers is common, and unresolved conflicts threaten team dynamics, fruitful ministry, and field longevity. Unfortunately, effective and actionable strategies that facilitate genuine peace are both essential and elusive. This workshop will identify the key elements to include in peacemaking trainings and common practices to avoid. Popular models of conflict resolution will be evaluated in terms of practical application, quick outcomes and lasting impact, available training resources, and cross-cultural relevance.
September 13-16
Nashville, TN
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Peacemaking: A Biblical Model for Resolving Conflict and Restoring Relationships for Clinicians and Ministries, addressing the following issues:
Studies have consistently demonstrated comorbidity between unresolved interpersonal conflict and various mental health concerns, such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, suicidality, as well as substance use, family stability, workplace performance, and overall wellbeing. However, psychologists and licensed mental health professionals are often not equipped with evidence-based strategies to help individual clients effectively manage the distress of significant conflicts. This workshop will contrast exogenous and endogenous theories of conflict psychology and review evidence of comorbid disorders. The presenter will discuss research-based strategies which help clients resolve conflicts and forgive offenses, and then demonstrate how these techniques correspond with a simple, practical model of biblical conflict resolution called Peace Pursuit. Using a case study, participants will practice a reframing technique from the model. As a group, participants will describe scenarios when they could effectively utilize techniques in this model with Christian or non-Christian clients, and then appraise its overall potential to help strengthen clients’ internal locus of control and general sense of peace and stability by promoting Christ as the foundation of their identity and wellbeing.
March 23, 2023
Dr. Davis spoke with hosts Brandi and James about the essence of relational conflicts, common but faulty methods for seeking resolution, attitudes and church practices that may promote entrenched conflicts, and specific steps that can reorient our understanding of peace and genuine reconciliation.
February 19
Roseville, MN
Dr. Davis presented two interactive sessions during the Sunday school hours and then led a luncheon seminar for Calvary Church and the Twin Cities community. During this time she addressed Biblical Foundations for Conflict Resolution, and led the groups through practical discussions and exercises to equip them with the knowledge and skills to address conflicts in a new and Christ-honoring way.
February 17-18
Minneapolis, MN
Dr. Davis was honored to be a plenary speaker for the 2023 MC2. She led two plenary sessions and one breakout session, described below:
Plenary Session - A Clash of Convictions: Conflict Between Christians
The distinct expectations, social norms, and priorities associated with generational groups of missionaries can contribute to us versus them divisions, feelings of being misunderstood, accusations of sin, and claims of harmful leadership practices. Dr. Davis will discuss individualized and patterned factors that foster conflict on the field and important considerations to help sending churches respond effectively.
Plenary Session - The Promise and Potential in Commissioning
What does it mean to be sent out by a church, and what is the nature of that relationship before, during, and after the sending? Today's cross-cultural workers may have different expectations than those who commission them to serve on the mission field. Dr. Davis will highlight ways to deepen the significance of commissioning in order to engage and encourage missionaries for a lasting partnership.
Breakout Session - The Process of Practical Peacemaking
Dr. Davis will highlight key distinctions between the common methods of conflict resolution and those which have produced consistently positive outcomes for today's missionaries. Using the Peace Pursuit model as a template, you will gain a practical plan for clarifying the goal of peace during ministry conflicts, reframing each person's understanding of the conflict, and reordering the steps of confession and forgiveness within the peacemaking process. You will leave this workshop with free resources and a new strategy for helping believers resolve relational problems.
November 10
9:00-11:30am, at East Maryville Baptist Church, Maryville, TN
The Mothers of Preschoolers monthly gathering is a time of food, fun, and fellowship for mothers in East Tennessee to come together, learn to be the moms God has called them to be, lean on each other, and build relationships that last a lifetime. This month, Dr. Davis spoke on topics of depression and anxiety in motherhood and highlighting local resources for care and support.
November 1
10:30am-1:00pm, at East Maryville Baptist Church, Maryville, TN
The East Maryville Senior Adult Ministry gathers monthly for a time of fellowship, fun, and food. There is time spent worshiping and digging into God’s Word. Everyone is welcome! This month, Dr. Davis spoke on the unique need senior adults have to find meaningful and purposeful ways to serve their community, the struggles that seniors face with isolation and depression, and available ways that senior adults can make valuable contributions to local church ministries
October 30
10:15am, at East Maryville Baptist Church, Maryville, TN
This special church service highlighted the ministry of counseling and care to the local community, by the local church, and the calling God has given to believers to care for and love one another. Dr. Davis gave a brief report on the Lighthouse Counseling Ministry, which she has launched and directed for the past year, with testimonies from church members and volunteer counselors who were formally commissioned by the church to serve in this distinct ministry role.
October 7-8
Henry Horton State Park, outside Nashville, TN
Dr. Davis was thrilled to be the guest speaker for Edgefield’s fall retreat sessions, and she addressed topics including the essence of conflict, redefining the goal of conflict resolution, and practical peacemaking. Using her unique teaching style, Dr. Davis balances lighthearted humor with deeply convicting insights about realities within the lifestyle of the church, and then exhorts the audience to strive for Christ-centered standards in their personal lives and in relationships with their church family.
April 28
Nashville, TN
Dr. Davis was honored to be the guest speaker for the WMU's 2022 Annual Meeting, hosted at Tulip Grove Baptist Church. The event began at 5pm with Missions Displays, and Dr. Davis distributed Peace Pursuit resources on conflict resolution. Following the dinner, Dr. Davis spoke about current challenges on the mission field and reasons to stay hopeful and committed in global kingdom ministry.
April 4
Belmont University Convocation
Nashville, TN
At 10am, Dr. Davis presented a convocation session titled Behind the Scenes: The Surprising Realities of Missionary Life in Asia, addressing the following content:
Though short-term mission trips may be a familiar and appealing way to see the world and make a positive impact, the decision to live as a career missionary may be much harder to relate to. What types of people would do that, and what are the realities of that lifestyle in the modern age? From an outside perspective, the missionary life might appeal to extreme-adventure travel junkies, fervently spiritual super-Christians, those with a focused passion for another culture, or people who just didn’t fit into normal American society.
Take a behind-the-scenes look at some unexpected challenges and fascinating cross-cultural interactions that may not fit the stereotypes about life in Asian countries, international perceptions about Americans, the perks of living overseas, and the real reasons missionaries quit their jobs. Using photos, videos, personal stories, and statistical data, this talk will provide a unique perspective and surprising insights about the realities of modern life for cross-cultural missionaries in Asia.
February 25
Bloomington, MN
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Resolving Conflicts on the Mission Field, addressing the following issues:
Conflict and disunity between missionaries, team members, ministry partners, and local believers has a significant impact on the stability and effectiveness of ministry in any context. When your missionaries report home about a difficult conflict, what role should you play and how exactly can you help without making it worse? Is Matt.18:15-17 the only biblical response? We will answer these questions, discuss real examples of conflict on the mission field, and learn a biblical step-by-step method of helping others respond to conflicts.
Seminars, workshops, publications, and conferences where Dr. Davis is presenting:
February 21-22
Burnsville, MN
Dr. Davis is honored to join Amy Young's Global Trellis team for the 2025 MC2. She will lead two workshops and will join Amy Young and Jenilee Goodwin in the opening keynote session, addressing the following content:
Keynote Session - Five Principles of Holistic Care
Setting the stage for the conference theme, and introducing various aspects of holistic missionary care that will be explored in the conference workshops.
Workshop - Embracing the Whole Missionary: Fostering Trust and Authenticity
Missionaries often feel pressured to present only their "acceptable" selves, hiding struggles, doubts, and emotions. This workshop empowers supporters to embrace all aspects of a missionary's identity by fostering deep trust and authenticity. Learn strategies for communicating expectations and acceptance, earning lasting trust, and maintaining open dialogues. Discover approaches to ensure that missionaries feel safe disclosing their entire selves—including imperfections—and how to respond compassionately when unexpected facets arise. By cultivating a truly supportive relationship, we can enhance personal well-being and spiritual growth, ensuring our missionaries serve with genuine wholeness and resilience.
Workshop - Church-Based Care 101: Essentials of Church-Based Care Through the Stages of Missionary Life
Understanding the unique stages of missionaries' diverse needs is crucial for effective support. This workshop equips church-based caregivers with a strategic roadmap to address challenges over the lifespan: from initial transition, culture shock, language acquisition, to deepening ministry and relationships, spiritual dry spells, stages of family life, and planning an eventual return home. Discover the essential skills required for providing effective care, available training options for your support team, and learn to identify when a missionary's needs may exceed church-based capabilities, warranting professional help. Gain actionable insights to enhance your role in missions, ensuring missionaries are well-supported and effective throughout their journey.
February 28-March 2
Pigeon Forge, TN
Dr. Davis will lead four sessions on the conference theme of Growing Together, addressing topics of identity in Christ, our Christian freedom to love, and forgive, prioritizing unity over opinions, and learning to use the Peace Pursuit resources of biblical conflict resolution.
October 7-10
Ridgecrest, Asheville, NC
Dr. Davis will present twice with a workshop titled Navigating Conflicts and Facilitating Peace, addressing the following topics:
Conflict is an inherent part of communal life, yet our response to it can either undermine our entire ministry or affirm the gospel we proclaim (John 13:35). In this action-oriented workshop, we will orient around practical principles and help you apply biblical commands that transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity. You will come away with strategies for navigating disagreements, fostering forgiveness, and promoting a spirit of reconciliation among those serving on the field, and will be provided with materials to put these strategies into practice.
Seminars, workshops, publications, and conferences where Dr. Davis presented:
December 18
Dr. Davis was honored to be a guest lecturer for Dr. Michael Copeland’s Globalization and Mission Strategy Intensive course, where she provided psychological and biblical perspectives on multicultural teaming conflict. She incorporated real-life examples of cross-cultural conflicts and invited the undergraduate and graduate students to examine their own presumptions about the nature of relational conflict, the points at which divisions between believers are biblically justified, and the freedom in Christ that allows Christians to walk in peace instead of taking up offenses.
November 21-24
Hurst, TX
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Graceful Reconciliation: Cultivating Humility in Missionary Conflict Resolution, addressing the following topics:
Effective, genuine conflict resolution requires a pivotal perspective shift that transforms conflicts from personalized battles into a deeper hope, identity, and peace anchored to Christ alone. Grounded in conflict psychology, this session offers practical interventions that foster humility, reframe moralized self-justifications, and guide missionaries in reconciling with God, themselves, and others, paving the way for healing, biblical restoration, and unity.
October 7-8 (Conference canceled due to Hurricane Helene)
Ridgecrest, Asheville, NC
Dr. Davis was scheduled to provide two offerings of a workshop titled Navigating Conflicts and Facilitating Peace, addressing the following topics:
Conflict is an inherent part of communal life, yet our response to it can either undermine our entire ministry or affirm the gospel we proclaim (John 13:35). In this action-oriented workshop, we will orient around practical principles and help you apply biblical commands that transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity. You will come away with strategies for navigating disagreements, fostering forgiveness, and promoting a spirit of reconciliation among those serving on the field, and will be provided with materials to put these strategies into practice.
September 28
Buena Park, CA
Dr. Davis led a full-day, interactive training on Peace Pursuit Essentials for Leaders for house church leaders and participants in the No Place Left network throughout the Los Angeles area.
August 23
Evicting the Squatters in Your Head
Dr. Davis was invited to contribute to a Global Trellis series on the theme of enlarging capacity. Global Trellis is a web-based ministry that provides resources, training, and spiritual retreats for global missionaries and vocational ministers.
June 9-12
Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Davis was an exhibitor throughout this conference, representing the resources and training services of Peace Pursuit International. Guests attending this large event were invited to visit the Peace Pursuit booth #1529 and pick up some free resources.
May 2
Ridgecrest, Asheville, NC
Dr. Davis led a workshop for the Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative titled Effective, Biblical Conflict Resolution: An Overview of Peace Pursuit, addressing the following issues:
Conflict is inherently prevalent within both communal and professional settings, requiring a response that not only addresses relational issues but also affirms our identity as followers of Christ (John 13:35). In this session, Dr. Davis will introduce the Peace Pursuit model, which organizes biblical principles into practical steps that transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and unity. Participants will learn essential strategies for navigating disagreements, fostering forgiveness, and establishing a culture of peacemaking. All participants will receive resources to help implement these strategies effectively in their respective contexts.
March 28
Knoxville, TN
Dr. Davis was honored to be the presenter for this special gathering of mission leaders, and provided practical answers to the following question: What do churches, specifically pastors and mission leaders, need to consider in the care and support of overseas workers at every stage?
February 8
In this engaging audio/video interview with Stephanie Gutierrez, Dr. Davis shared about her personal journey into cross-cultural ministry, psychology, and helping teams actively pursue peace. She helped uncover the myths and attitudes we unconsciously hold about conflict resolution that keep us miserable and without solutions. Learn about the Peace Pursuit model and find out steps we can take to begin the hard but rewarding work God calls us to of making peace.
January 3
In episode 110, host Carrie was joined by Dr. Janeen Davis, an expert in conflict psychology and biblical conflict resolution to discuss how to handle conflicts in a healthy way, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and grace in resolving relationship challenges. They discussed the essence of relational conflict and why conflict resolution seems so risky and causes such anxiety.
November 10
Dr. Davis was honored to be a guest lecturer for Dr. Michael Copeland’s Cross-Cultural Ethics course, where she provided psychological and biblical perspectives on cross-cultural conflict. She incorporated real-life examples of cross-cultural conflicts and invited the undergraduate and graduate students to examine their own presumptions about the nature of relational conflict, existing social expectations, and biased perceptions of forgivability.
September 27-29
Orlando, FL
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Preparing Today's Missionaries for Practical Peacemaking, addressing the following issues:
We know that conflict between committed, passionate global workers is common, and unresolved conflicts threaten team dynamics, fruitful ministry, and field longevity. Unfortunately, effective and actionable strategies that facilitate genuine peace are both essential and elusive. This workshop will identify the key elements to include in peacemaking trainings and common practices to avoid. Popular models of conflict resolution will be evaluated in terms of practical application, quick outcomes and lasting impact, available training resources, and cross-cultural relevance.
September 13-16
Nashville, TN
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Peacemaking: A Biblical Model for Resolving Conflict and Restoring Relationships for Clinicians and Ministries, addressing the following issues:
Studies have consistently demonstrated comorbidity between unresolved interpersonal conflict and various mental health concerns, such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, suicidality, as well as substance use, family stability, workplace performance, and overall wellbeing. However, psychologists and licensed mental health professionals are often not equipped with evidence-based strategies to help individual clients effectively manage the distress of significant conflicts. This workshop will contrast exogenous and endogenous theories of conflict psychology and review evidence of comorbid disorders. The presenter will discuss research-based strategies which help clients resolve conflicts and forgive offenses, and then demonstrate how these techniques correspond with a simple, practical model of biblical conflict resolution called Peace Pursuit. Using a case study, participants will practice a reframing technique from the model. As a group, participants will describe scenarios when they could effectively utilize techniques in this model with Christian or non-Christian clients, and then appraise its overall potential to help strengthen clients’ internal locus of control and general sense of peace and stability by promoting Christ as the foundation of their identity and wellbeing.
March 23, 2023
Dr. Davis spoke with hosts Brandi and James about the essence of relational conflicts, common but faulty methods for seeking resolution, attitudes and church practices that may promote entrenched conflicts, and specific steps that can reorient our understanding of peace and genuine reconciliation.
February 19
Roseville, MN
Dr. Davis presented two interactive sessions during the Sunday school hours and then lead a luncheon seminar for Calvary Church and the Twin Cities community. During this time she addressed Biblical Foundations for Conflict Resolution, and led the groups through practical discussions and exercises to equip them with the knowledge and skills to address conflicts in a new and Christ-honoring way.
February 17-18
Minneapolis, MN
Dr. Davis was honored to be a plenary speaker for the 2023 MC2. She led two plenary sessions and one breakout session, described below:
Plenary Session - A Clash of Convictions: Conflict Between Christians
The distinct expectations, social norms, and priorities associated with generational groups of missionaries can contribute to us versus them divisions, feelings of being misunderstood, accusations of sin, and claims of harmful leadership practices. Dr. Davis will discuss individualized and patterned factors that foster conflict on the field and important considerations to help sending churches respond effectively.
Plenary Session - The Promise and Potential in Commissioning
What does it mean to be sent out by a church, and what is the nature of that relationship before, during, and after the sending? Today's cross-cultural workers may have different expectations than those who commission them to serve on the mission field. Dr. Davis will highlight ways to deepen the significance of commissioning in order to engage and encourage missionaries for a lasting partnership.
Breakout Session - The Process of Practical Peacemaking
Dr. Davis will highlight key distinctions between the common methods of conflict resolution and those which have produced consistently positive outcomes for today's missionaries. Using the Peace Pursuit model as a template, you will gain a practical plan for clarifying the goal of peace during ministry conflicts, reframing each person's understanding of the conflict, and reordering the steps of confession and forgiveness within the peacemaking process. You will leave this workshop with free resources and a new strategy for helping believers resolve relational problems.
November 10
9:00-11:30am, at East Maryville Baptist Church, Maryville, TN
The Mothers of Preschoolers monthly gathering is a time of food, fun, and fellowship for mothers in East Tennessee to come together, learn to be the moms God has called them to be, lean on each other, and build relationships that last a lifetime. Dr. Davis spoke on topics of depression and anxiety in motherhood and highlighting local resources for care and support.
November 1
10:30am-1:00pm, at East Maryville Baptist Church, Maryville, TN
The East Maryville Senior Adult Ministry gathers monthly for a time of fellowship, fun, and food. There is time spent worshiping and digging into God’s Word. Everyone is welcome! Dr. Davis spoke on the unique need senior adults have to find meaningful and purposeful ways to serve their community, the struggles that seniors face with isolation and depression, and available ways that senior adults can make valuable contributions to local church ministries.
October 30
10:15am, at East Maryville Baptist Church, Maryville, TN
This special church service highlighted the ministry of counseling and care to the local community, by the local church, and the calling God has given to believers to care for and love one another. Dr. Davis gave a brief report on the Lighthouse Counseling Ministry, which she has launched and directed for the past year, with testimonies from church members and volunteer counselors who were formally commissioned by the church to serve in this distinct ministry role.
October 7-8
Henry Horton State Park, outside Nashville, TN
Dr. Davis was thrilled to be the guest speaker for Edgefield’s fall retreat sessions, where she addressed topics including the essence of conflict, redefining the goal of conflict resolution, and practical peacemaking. Using her unique teaching style, Dr. Davis balances lighthearted humor with deeply convicting insights about realities within the lifestyle of the church, and then exhorts the audience to strive for Christ-centered standards in their personal lives and in relationships with their church family.
April 28
Nashville, TN
Dr. Davis was honored to be the guest speaker for the Nashville WMU’s 2022 Annual Meeting, hosted at Tulip Grove Baptist Church. The event began at 5pm with Missions Displays, and Dr. Davis distributed Peace Pursuit resources on conflict resolution. Following the dinner, Dr. Davis spoke about current challenges on the mission field and reasons to stay hopeful and committed in global kingdom ministry.
April 4
Belmont University Convocation
Nashville, TN
At 10am, Dr. Davis presented a convocation session titled Behind the Scenes: The Surprising Realities of Missionary Life in Asia, addressing the following content:
Though short-term mission trips may be a familiar and appealing way to see the world and make a positive impact, the decision to live as a career missionary may be much harder to relate to. What types of people would do that, and what are the realities of that lifestyle in the modern age? From an outside perspective, the missionary life might appeal to extreme-adventure travel junkies, fervently spiritual super-Christians, those with a focused passion for another culture, or people who just didn’t fit into normal American society.
Take a behind-the-scenes look at some unexpected challenges and fascinating cross-cultural interactions that may not fit the stereotypes about life in Asian countries, international perceptions about Americans, the perks of living overseas, and the real reasons missionaries quit their jobs. Using photos, videos, personal stories, and statistical data, this talk will provide a unique perspective and surprising insights about the realities of modern life for cross-cultural missionaries in Asia.
February 25
Bloomington, MN
Dr. Davis led a workshop titled Resolving Conflicts on the Mission Field, addressing the following issues:
Conflict and disunity between missionaries, team members, ministry partners, and local believers has a significant impact on the stability and effectiveness of ministry in any context. When your missionaries report home about a difficult conflict, what role should you play and how exactly can you help without making it worse? Is Matt.18:15-17 the only biblical response? We will answer these questions, discuss real examples of conflict on the mission field, and learn a biblical step-by-step method of helping others respond to conflicts.